About Us


Buenos Dias!

Congratulations on your orders to U.S. Naval Hospital Rota. As a new staff member, our first responsibility to you is to ensure that you have a smooth transition to Rota, Spain.

Known as “The Gateway to the Mediterranean,” Rota is located in the southernmost part of the Andalucían region of Spain.  The region is famous for its blue/green ocean, white-washed villages, flamenco, bullfights, and much more, so get ready because you are in for a treat!

While stationed here, you will have opportunity to travel to our neighboring lands - Portugal, Morocco, Gibraltar – as well as all of Europe.  Obtain your passport before arriving in country!

Request a Sponsor

To request a sponsor, please use the contact information in the right column of this page.  We will respond to you shortly with your sponsor assignment.

Please include with your sponsor request – or via separate correspondence – the following information:

  • Name

  • Rank

  • Designator

  • Detaching Command

  • Detach date

  • Dependent information (Name/Age)

  • A biography and curriculum vitae (resume)

  • Civilian and military email address.  Please make sure the civilian email address is a personal email account that you check frequently and can be used during your PCS.

  • A list of phone numbers where you can be reached now and during your move

Please answer the following questions as well.  Your answers will help us match you to the right sponsor.

  • Are you married?

  • Do you have children?  If yes, how many?

  •  Do you plan on shipping a vehicle?

  • Do you have pets? 

  •  Do you speak fluent Spanish?

We will be sending you a welcome aboard package to the email address you provide.

Once your sponsor is identified, we will email you with their contact information.  In the meantime please feel free to use the link on the right for any questions you may have.

Here are the requirements needed prior to your transfer to U.S. Naval Hospital Rota and other considerations:

Requirements needed PRIOR to your transfer

  • Completed overseas screening (within 15 days of receipt of orders for active duty).  Family members must complete theirs within 30 days. 

  • Dependents are required to obtain no fee passports. For more information please contact your PSD.

  • Bring your Geneva Convention card and set of dog tags both which can be obtained through your POMI office.

Officers note the following:

  • ATLS & ACLS are required for MC officers assigned to NOBC (0101 Internal Med), (0102 GMO), (0107 Flight Surgery), (0108 Family Medicine), (0109 Emergency Medicine), (0110 Undersea Medicine), (0118 Anesthesia), (0214 General Surgery), (0229 OB/GYN), and (0224 Orthopedics).

  • All DC Officers need ATLS & NOBC (0550 Oral Max Surgery) & (0560 Periodontics) need ACLS.

  • MSC Physician Assistant's must maintain ACLS training.


The U.S. Naval Hospital Rota Command looks forward to having you as part of our team! 

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask.

Helpful links and information:

To contact the Overseas screening office email:
For the hospital quarterdeck contact:
COMM +34-956-82-3305
DSN 314-727-3305

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!